Time Marches On

Summer is coming. There are retreats I need to prep for, kids summer activities litter the calendar and then there are all of the traditions to maintain. It comes and goes. Ready or not. It is fall, the tags are burning holes in my pocket but there is school for the kids and work at…

It’s About Time

Wow. It has been so stinkin’ long since I have written just for the sake of writing. I truly do love it and I have been so blessed to be able to write as a job now but I find that I don’t just sit down to write for fun if I have a paid…

Spirit Wars

There is a strange combination of spirits growing within me. They seem at war with each other but in a strange way they complement each other in ways I would have never anticipated. If you knew me in my youth you know I had the reputation for being a little extreme. I was unapproachable. I…

Tattoo Tales

As the steam from the natural hot springs rose around us filling the small rustic shed like exhaust billowing out of an old beat-up truck on a cold winter morning, I listened with interest as my new found friend shared her regrets over the tattoos from her youth that still enveloped both of her arms…

Survival Mode

I have been learning a lot lately. I love to learn. It is something that used to come fairly easily for me but recently had been incredibly difficult. I didn’t realize how much stress was affecting me in so many areas. Stress is such a complicated thing. Some of it is really easy for us…


It is one week into the new year and everyone is busy creating memes about how it’s just the next 2020 and freaking out over right wing extremists taking over the capitol and the end of the world. I feel like I am watching all of this take place inside one of those giant glass…

Mother Nature Poem

Mother Nature She calls to me from everywhere… Whispering sweet promises of adventure in my ear… She never lies in wait to deceive… She’s open and real and hard to believe… She leaves me in awe and feeling quite small… Yet my soul grows in spirit each and every fall… I can’t get enough of…

Death By Feelings

Sarah grew up homeless and as an adult she took her understanding of those who are struggling and dedicated her life to aiding the homeless in her city. She had an overwhelming urge to feed them and was compelled to do so, no matter what. She found that the easiest way to feed the largest…

Pandemic Portraits

It is morning in my house. The smells of coffee, ribs in the smoker, fresh spring air from the open windows and earthy lumber from my new hardwood floor mingle with faint music coming from my daughters’ room. Birds welcoming the sun, dogs barking and the scratching of marker on a masterpiece of artwork that…

Hope From Hardship

It’s closing in on the end of February and that means wolf season in Montana is coming to an end. This season did not go as I had anticipated. Actually, this last 5 months have not gone as I had anticipated. When does life ever go as planned? These last months have been incredibly difficult…


My life is chaotic. I bet your life is chaotic too at least at times. A good life full of the best blessings usually is wrought with chaos. The two must go hand in hand. Being a naturally quiet and reserved personality, I don’t handle chaos well. It makes me anxious and distracted even when…