A Moose Hunt Through 8 Year Old Eyes


Meet Briger, my 8 year old daughter and light of my world. I wanted to try and help her capture her first hunting trip so Tristan and I outfitted her with her own little camera and binoculars and she took care of the rest. The day we got home from the hunt I sat down with her and recorded her telling of the tale word for word. I didn’t change it at all and I wanted to share this adventure through her eyes with you. Having her with us and seeing her perspective on life made every part of this trip so very special. Here is her story.


One morning, I heard my parents talking about moose hunting. I asked them if I could go. They said yes. I was so excited I almost fell on the floor. I asked them when it was. They said, “Today.” I ran into my room and got all my stuff. They said, “That’s what you are wearing to school?” I said, “What school?” “You have school today. You have to go to school before we go hunting.” they said. I was glum but I knew they were right so I went to school.


When I was done with school and got home, we got ready. Before I left I played with my Grandma a little bit. Then we left. When we got there my job was to stack firewood.


When I was done, I got my camera and took hundreds of pictures. I loved taking pictures.


I even got binoculars to use. I was so excited. I used them to see a bunch of moose. I even saw one that mom didn’t see.


The next day, my mom found a caterpillar. I tried to keep him healthy. I put him in a cup. The next day he was still there but he wasn’t moving. I said, “Mom is he ok?” She said, “Yes he is fine. He is just cold so he is curled up waiting for the sun to come out.”


My Dad said, “We are here!” We went on a big cliff. My Dad was super worried I was going to fall.


After a little while we went back. I crawled in my sleeping bag and went to sleep. When I woke up we were on this big hill really, really high. My dad went for a walk.


We heard a boom, boom, boom, boom. My mom was so excited, every time he shot she said, “Oh my gosh!” We waited for him to call on the radio. When he called on the radio he said, “I got a big one!” My mom was so excited. We got all our stuff and went down there. At first we were confused about where to go but we got on the radio and Dad told us where to go. When we got there it was huge! We took tons of pictures of it.


When we were done cutting it up we packed it all back to the truck. It was reeeeally heavy but we got it there. Then we drove back to camp and we went to sleep. In the morning we packed all our stuff up and went home.


I still had my caterpillar. It had a chrysalis. When I got to the house I thought about the trip. It was really fun and I wish I could go on another. Maybe next time I’ll go with my Grandpa. I wish everyone could hunt.



A snail she found in the creek.
Filtering water from the creek.
Filtering water from the creek.
Filtering water from the creek.
Fun with shadows.
Baby Mule deer and Mama.
My girl.
She spotted this one by herself!




She had fun taking pictures of us sleeping.

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